We implement various


We want to focus on projects that make sense, where we can create value for society, not just an empty impression or illusion. We specialize in software architecture, development, and implementation of innovative customer solutions in cloud services and IoT (Internet of Things), and the like.

Why choose us?

Reasons for cooperation

  • Flexible combination of project and agile management with a focus on results and key objectives
  • Part of the solution includes system design and architecture Software development from CI/CD, data layer, backend, and frontend, to testing and lifecycle management
  • The client is familiar with cost analysis and price forecasting
  • High industrial quality standards and our own key performance indicators
  • Cloud applications, web applications, desktop applications, mobile applications, or all together?
  • We enhance customer productivity through custom software
  • We help you with software for data processing automation
  • How about machine learning and NLP for adding intelligence to your systems?
  • We assist with integration over heterogeneous data structures.
  • With our help, you can bring the world of IoT into your system architecture.


Companies we collaborate with

  • ARA s, spol. s r.o.
  • ALTER-LEO s.r.o.
  • Carminga GmbH
  • Czech Technical University in Prague
  • Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady
  • IQengineering s.r.o.
  • Ledvance GmbH – Google Inc. (Germany, USA) and Microsoft Corporation (Germany) also collaborated on the project
  • Muzeum východních Čech v Hradci Králové
  • Pragoeduca s.r.o.
  • REMMARK, a.s.
  • SkyCom online s.r.o.
  • Státní zemědělský intervenční fond
  • TESing TP komplet s.r.o. – projekt pro Škoda Auto a.s. – na projektu spolupracovali dále společnosti SIDAT, spol. s r. o. a Linde Material Handling Česká republika s.r.o. a L&R Kältetechnik GmbH & Co.KG
  • Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze
  • Univerzita Pardubice

We are approved suppliers for Škoda Auto a.s., part of the Volkswagen Group.

Our Experience


Firmware as a Service

This solution was created as part of the Specialized Software service.

The cloud solution Firmware as a Service is the collection of services that is ready for the distribution and update of OTA firmware over millions of IoT devices. Rozinet in cooperation with Microsoft designed the software architecture and security of cloud solutions.

Regional food

This solution was created as part of the Specialized Software service.

The solution package includes a web-based information system, mobile applications for iOS and Android, and a custom API solution.

Hybrid Cloud on Azure Stack

This solution was created as part of the Data Governance service.

Being among the first in the Czech Republic, we designed a hybrid cloud based on Azure Stack HCI for a larger analytical data platform project. The hyper-converged infrastructure provides cutting-edge virtualization and is suitable for use in a hybrid cloud environment.

BIOLUX Human Centric Lightning

This solution was created as part of the IoT (Internet of Things) service.

Ondřej Rozinek, as a software engineer, developed non-linear and non-uniform time interpolations and curve algorithms for simulating sunlight about astronomical data and geographic location. Rozinet company supported the project with professional consulting. LEDVANCE BIOLUX HCL won the German Innovation Award 2020.

Smart Car Fleet

This solution was created as part of the Cloud Solutions service.

A POC (Proof of Concept) project was carried out with the startup company Carminga Gmbh. The goal was to deploy Azure cloud services, which process telemetry data from each IoT device and monitor GPS navigation, vehicle speed, and detailed driver behavior in the car.

Aukro Trade Robot

This solution was created as part of the Process Automation service.

Sales of goods on the largest Czech digital market using a web robot. Process automation for the entire supply chain via web services. I was one of the largest sellers on Aukro, where I offered more than 120,000 items daily.

Light Voice Control by Google Home

This solution was created as part of the IoT (Internet of Things) service.

We participated in a partnership project between Ledvance Gmbh and the Google team from Silicon Valley, USA to integrate Ledvance lights into Google Nest and Google Home devices. Our company has taken responsibility for the software architecture and implementation of the Bluetooth Mesh protocol and lighting control according to the latest specifications. They allow you to turn your LEDVANCE/Sylvania SMART+ lights on and off, and control the color and brightness by using voice commands, the Google Home app, or a visual device like Google Nest displays. All LEDVANCE/Sylvania SMART+ lights can be paired with Google Assistant-enabled speakers and smart displays.

Automation of Car Cooling Distribution

This solution was created as part of the Industrial Software Solutions service.

What do the Rozinet and the Volkswagen have in common? We have become a supplier in Volkswagen Group and help to automate car production (Enyaq, Octavia and Kodiaq) in a factory of Škoda Auto a.s. Mladá Boleslav. Together with the leading company for the distribution of technical gases TESing TP Komplet s.r.o., we helped build automation for filling car cooling.


This solution was created as part of the Software Technologies service.

BlueSearch is cutting-edge technology, which is built using sophisticated mathematical models of the way humans naturally find similarities despite having imprecise information. By modeling these human traits BlueSearch engine produces more accurate, error-tolerant results – faster and with greater flexibility and scalability – than any other software on the market. The older version has been used for the whole SAP EMEA/DACH as the best technology outperformed standard SAP products. The SAP offer for buying the invention has been declined and authorship is owned further by me – Ondrej Rozinek.


This solution was created as part of the Mobile Applications service.

A mobile game was created for child visitors to the museum.

Quality software solutions for your business or your customers.



(+420) 777 130 784

U Josefa 110
Pardubice, 530 09
Czech Republic